The travelling exhibit “Imagining the Balkans. Identities and Memory in the long 19th century”, a flagship initiative coordinated by UNESCO with the cooperation of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the International Committee for Exhibitions and Exchange (ICOM/ICEE), is opening in Ljubljana (Slovenia) at the National Museum of Slovenia, on 8 April 2013, at 6 PM.
The exhibit will be inaugurated in the presence of the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova; the Minister of Culture of Slovenia, Uroš Grilc; European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Androulla Vassiliou; and, the President of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), Hans-Martin Hinz. The opening ceremony, organized on the occasion of the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Culture of South-East Europe will be attended by Ministers of Culture from South-East Europe.
This exhibit, part of UNESCO’s global initiative “Culture: a Bridge to Development”, seeks to enhance cooperation and dialogue among national history museums. This is the very first time that national history museums from South-East Europe and beyond- Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – come together to put in perspective and compare their collections and their national histories.[:]