Call for Živa award – award for cultural Slavic Heritage. Deadline for applications has been extended till 11th of July 2014.
The Živa Award has been established in 2012 on the initiative of an expert project group from the Forum of Slavic Culture member countries. Slavic goddess Živa (also Żiwia, Siva, Sieba or Razivia) represents a principle of life, longevity, youthfulness, beauty, mildness, vitality and fertility. These are the attributes that should describe also condition of Slavic heritage. With the award we would like to recognize excellence in the sector of movable and immovable heritage in a special region in Europe, promote the best practices in the tangible cultural heritage and also to stimulate exchanges of knowledge and experience throughout our countries and beyond. We would like also to encourage further exemplary initiatives through the power of example. Applications are welcomed from all types of museums: scientific, technical, industrial museums or science centers, also historical, ethnographical, architecture or natural history museums, established long ago or recently opened on the local, regional, or state levels.