International exhibition Slavic Carnivals

nternational exhibition “SLAVIC CARNIVALS”

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the International Foundation of the Forum of Slavic Cultures and to mark its long-lasting cooperation with UNESCO, the international exhibition “SLAVIC CARNIVALS” was inaugurated on Tuesday, 3 June 2014 at 1 PM at the UNESCO Headquarters (Salle des Pas Perdus).

The exhibition was created upon the initiative of the Forum of Slavic Cultures (Ljubljana, Slovenia) by museums from 12 Slavic countries that will later host the exhibition.

Inaugural addresses:
Ms. Mechtild Rossler, Deputy Director, Division for Heritage, UNESCO
Mr. Hanz-Martin Hinz, President of the International Council of Museums
Mrs. Andreja Rihter, Director of the Forum of Slavic Cultures
Mrs. Bojana Rogelj Skafar, Director of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum