An international conference on “Cultural heritage: for a more sustainable Europe“ organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Commission, will be held on 26 and 27 March 2018. The event is under the sign of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.
The opening will take place on March 26, 2018, as well as an official ceremony to award nine new sites that symbolize the European ideals and values awarded with European Heritage Label. By including them, the number of European Heritage Label sites is now 38.
On March 27, the programme includes two plenary sessions: „Cultural heritage today – main challenges” and „Cultural heritage for the future – perspectives”.
The first plenary session is divided on 3 thematic sessions:
- Thematic session 1 „Competences of the European Union in the field of cultural heritage”
- Thematic session 2 „Mainstreaming of cultural heritage – levelling the playground for different EU policies”
- Thematic session 3 „Participatory governance of cultural heritage- how to turn good European practices into a model of socially inclusive governance?”
During this event, the ICH Centre Sofia will present a Photo Exhibition named “The intangible cultural heritage in South-Eastern Europe”, which can be seen from March 26 to April 4 in Banya Starinna, Plovdiv, as well as films dedicated to ICH.
For more information: Programme eu2018bg